Monday, October 14, 2019

Fall Parent Conference and Carnival Week

It's already Mid-October!!  The Astros are still in post season play (thank goodness it isn't with a team on the east coast this year!!), report cards are being sent home on Friday, and our fun-filled school carnival is on Saturday!

Important things to know:
*Thursday and Friday are noon dismissal days.  Mrs. Wolf's homeroom will spend most of Thursday with Mrs. Mallette and Mrs. Mallette's homeroom will spend most of Thursday with Mrs. Wolf.  Since Mrs. Wolf's homeroom will NOT be with Mrs. Mallette on Friday, they will have their spelling test on THURSDAY, October 17th.
Then on Friday, Mrs. Mallette will keep her homeroom for the day and Mrs. Wolf will keep her homeroom for the day.  Mrs. Mallette's homeroom will take their spelling test on Friday.

*Fall Individual Picture day is on Friday!!  Brush your hair, brush your teeth, and wear something nice!  These are the pictures that are used for the yearbook.

Since we have dismissal at noon on Thursday and Friday, our schedule is a bit modified.
+ Block time will be from 9:10-9:40
+Recess will be from 9:45-10:15
+Lunch is 11:00-11:30

If you would rather have lunch with your child after school, that is fine.  We have to offer lunch to all students.  I would recommend sending along a snack that will help them get through the four hours they are at school.

Our fantastic Frostwood Carnival is on Saturday from 11-3.  There is a sign up if you would like to volunteer some time:
There are lots of activities, food, and fun for the whole family!  Mrs. Wolf and I will be out and about in between a couple of conferences that we have set up on that day.  Wave to us if you see us!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Rain, Rain...

I hope all of our families have had a good weekend of rest after the crazy amount of rain last week.  Thank you for supporting our book fair!  We should be back on our regular Friday library rotation this week.

Spelling Bee:  Third, fourth, and fifth graders are invited to participate in our school spelling bee tryouts.  Information will be coming soon with words to study.  The first round will be within the homeroom classes.  There will be two grade level champion spellers and two spellers from each homeroom chosen to participate in the school spelling bee that will take place in November.
Want to start studying?  Click HERE to go to our webpage of study lists!  Third grade will start with the Level One words. 

Speaking of spelling-- our first spelling test for the school year was put on rain delay, so we'll be taking that test on Monday, September 23rd.  Students will need to be able to spell the words correctly AND be able to write them in the write pattern column.  There will also be two sentences that students will need to write.  Spelling words will need to be spelled correctly and they will also need to use appropriate capitalization and punctuation.

Parent conferences will be held in October.  An email will be sent the first week of October with a link to SignUp Genius.  Mrs. Wolf and Mrs. Mallette will be meeting with parents together, so you only need to sign up for one meeting time.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Introducing....Third Grade 2019-2020!

Welcome to my classroom blog, where I hope you find helpful information!  Above this post you'll see tabs for different "pages" that will have helpful information.  I update the agenda page weekly, and the spelling information as needed.  Usually our spelling lists are for two weeks, and there will be a place where you can click to see what activities children can do with their spelling words for the month.  Since I will be teaching your children language arts, as well as math and science this year, more tabs may show up along the top for other information. 

At the bottom is a symbaloo, which is simply a way for me to put websites together for the students to access easily.  For example, one box is for Spelling City.  When we have spelling words, I will update my Spelling City account and students can click there to go directly to the list we are using rather than going to and having to look for my list or typing in the words themselves.  I will be adding math and science links to the symbaloo as I find appropriate sites for students to use to enhance their learning. 

Coming soon!  Curriculum night!  (Or it might be called Open House?)  This is where parents and guardians are invited to the school to hear about expectations for third grade.  The third grade teachers will tell you a bit about what units we cover in the different subjects, we'll fill you in on the behavior chart, and other things that we do in third grade.  After we meet together as a grade level, we'll invite you back up to the classrooms where you can see what your child has been doing for the first few weeks of school.   This will be held the week of September 9th.  More details when I get them!

If you would like to fill out my online form for student information, the link to complete it is:

It works best on a Google browser!  If you use a different web browser, the formatting is a bit wonky.

Some parents have asked me about donations for the classroom.  I am putting together a wishlist on Amazon, and I will share that soon.  

I am looking forward to a great year with your children-- we had a great first two days!