Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year!

Welcome to the third grade! 

Thank you so much for the wonderful Meet the Teacher time.  It's a little overwhelming to meet so many new people in such a short time, but I enjoyed visiting with everyone that came!  It was good to see some familiar faces, and I look forward to getting to know the new friends better.  The student information form on the iPad seemed to be a great way to gather some of that important information that I need as your child's teacher.  Please let me know if you had any difficulties with completing it.  The teachers are all excited about not having to read some of the handwriting for email addresses! 

This blog is for parents as well as the students.  Every week you will find the agenda (see the tab above that says "agenda"?  This will have all of the homework for the week listed out.  Students will also be copying this into their agenda notebooks, which SHOULD be in their binders!  There is another tab for spelling, where I will update that each time we have a new list. 

If you scroll down to the bottom of this screen (wait, don't do it yet, keep reading!), you will find a bunch of boxes.  This is a symbaloo, which is a website I use to organize internet links.  For example, on the top left side, you'll see links that have to do with reading.  If you find that a link is not working, please send me an email or a note letting me know so that I can fix it.  These are all pretty nice places for my students to use, either for school or for fun.  The box that has an eagle on it will take you to another symbaloo that has links all dedicated to Social Studies items.  You will also find a link to Spelling City (I update that with our spelling words too!), and a link to our Social Studies curriculum.  (I will fill the students in on that info soon.  They will each have their own login for that site). 

Bookmark this blog on your favorite device, and check back for more information!